5 signs you’ve spent too much time on a single design

We’ve all been there — endlessly tweaking a design, convinced that this next change will make it perfect. But sometimes, it’s better to step away before you start redesigning the entire project. Here are five signs that you’ve officially spent too much time on one design.

You’ve named every layer after your ex

When your Photoshop or Figma layers start getting passive-aggressive names like "UghAnotherButton" or "WhyWon'tThisAlign", it’s time to back away slowly.

You’ve redesigned the ‘Contact us’ page 12 times

And it’s still just a form with some text. No one is going to marvel at the gradient you spent hours perfecting. (Okay, maybe you will.)

You’ve started adding easter eggs for yourself

Like a tiny, hidden “Help me” in the footer. If you’re hiding jokes only you’ll understand, you’ve crossed into dangerous territory.

You’re dreaming in HEX codes

Waking up in the middle of the night muttering, “#FF5733 is the one…” might be a sign you need a break. You know it’s bad when your subconscious is color matching.

You’ve forgotten what the original brief was

Wait, was this website for a coffee shop or a tech startup? If you have to scroll back to the first email to remember, it’s time to wrap it up.

Conclusion: Design is about iteration, but too much can lead you down a rabbit hole of endless tweaks. When you find yourself renaming layers out of spite, it’s probably time to call it a day and revisit your work with fresh eyes tomorrow.